Technical Tuesday: Microsoft Excel as part of Office 365
From Financial Advisors to HS Marching band… Microsoft excel seems to have a lot going on and it just added two new features.
Technical Tuesday: Microsoft Word as part of Office 365
As part of Office 365, you get Microsoft Word which will be the first topic we’re covering in our Office 365 series this month. Microsoft Word is one of the programs that I believe is the most versatile of all the programs that you receive with this subscription. The reason I say this is because you can do so many different things with this one program. It allows you to create anything from resumes to novels. Microsoft Word also connects with every other program available with Office 365. (You can learn all about office 365 here.) Allowing you to change programs if needed or to use multiple programs to complete…
Technical Tuesday: Office 365…
This month I have decided that I am going to focus on Office 365. Every Tuesday this month I am going to show you another part of Office 365. Today its just an introduction to what it is and what programs are included. Ps. This post is not sponsored or endorsed or in any way Affiliated with Microsoft. They had no say in what I am writing. All thoughts and ideas are completely my own. What Office 365 is. Office 365 is a collection of programs that Microsoft offers as a bundle. These programs are all able to work together and also to be used on a Computer, Tablet or…
24 hours of Microsoft Launcher… Kill me!
A few weeks ago I got an email saying that Microsoft had finally done it. That everything that I did on my phone would connect to my computer and I would get my wish. I would be able to respond to text and share content between devices and it was going to be great.id on my phone would connect to my computer and I would get my wish. I would be able to respond to text and share content between devices and it was going to be great. So I downloaded it and was all super duper happy and then I noticed something that for the last 5 hours…
Something Apple has that Windows doesnt….
In 2011 Apple decided that having the ability to have multiple devices means that you need to have to ability to get your notifications on all of these devices. So now in 2018… I am wondering why I cant do this with my Microsoft computer and android phone… Without Cortana that is. So I installed Samsung Flow, and SideSync. Here is a small review of Samsung Flow. Samsung flow gives me the ability to receive and read my text and also emails and other notifications from my phone and also the ability to send information from my laptop to my phone so that I may use it on my phone…