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Technical Tuesday: Office 365…

This month I have decided that I am going to focus on Office 365. Every Tuesday this month I am going to show you another part of Office 365. Today its just an introduction to what it is and what programs are included.

Ps. This post is not sponsored or endorsed or in any way Affiliated with Microsoft. They had no say in what I am writing. All thoughts and ideas are completely my own. 

What Office 365 is.

Office 365 is a collection of programs that Microsoft offers as a bundle. These programs are all able to work together and also to be used on a Computer, Tablet or a phone.

Now many people use their computers in different ways and a lot of them use the computer as a word processor (which basically means that they write on their computers using a text document of some type) The are many different WORD Processors available to consumers. Some are available online and some you can take on the go using applications.
My favorite version of this is Microsoft Word which is part of Office 365.

Office 365 gives you a lot of different programs that receive all the updates and new features. This means when the programs update with new security features you get those too.

Unfortunately, This sometimes creates a gap in learning. But Microsoft makes up for this gap by sending out emails introducing the new features and these emails have some how to’s and some other training.

Office 365 Training Center
Training Website

They are available to everyone and anyone right here.

What programs are included?

Office 365 Personal contains Word, Powerpoint, Outlook, Excel, Access, Publisher, OneNote, and OneDrive and as with all subscriptions there is a Monthly Fee.

Microsoft does break it down nicely though. They have Home and Personal for Non-Business clients. The difference in these is not only the price, but the amount of users. Office 365 Home can have up to 6 users.

I have the Personal one and I actually do use the programs quite a bit. Such as using Microsoft Word to write my blog post and then I transfer them here. Using PowerPoint to make small video slides of all the Geeky places I go. (so to come…maybe) 😉

You can honestly use these programs any way that your heart desires. The thing is this… When you purchase Microsoft Office 365… Whether you are paying for a year or on a monthly basis… Your getting a lot for a little. Simply put this is why I enjoy my subscription and wanted to share it with all of you.

If you liked this post then please come back next week…When we go over Microsoft Word.

Until then and As Always Happy Computing 🙂