Entertainment,  Movies

Badass Video Games… Coming Soon Near You.

So by now many of you wonderful readers have figured out that I don’t really play video games… Hence the post about learning to play COD WW2 lol and Fortnite. Which by the way is now on Android phones in a beta. I have downloaded it and it does work.

Onto the topic Video Game Movies… Have you ever googled those words? There is an endless stream of them and many of them were at the top of the list! Such as Tron, Ready Player One, Wreck It Ralph, and Gamer. These movies were all great! They all start out differently and all have their pros and cons… but seriously… Lets look at this people.

People who don’t even play video games went to see these movies, they learned something and they wanted to play the games that were featured.

Today for instance at about 9am, I woke up and was thinking about this blog…and I decided to watch a movie…. I happened to see a movie picture on Hulu the other day that I wanted to look into. So I watched this movie with Spencer from iCarly as the main character and anyway he was super good a video games and was like 30 years old and lived in his moms basement… anyway.. this new game was released and they had a video game contest for a prize amount of 175,500.00 and he wanted the prize money to buy his parents house so that he could continue living in the basement… This of course meant that he had to win the game… anyway not going to tell you the ending.. but I will tell you that its funny and in true Spencer/ iCarly style everything that could go wrong… did.

Did you know that there have been several video game movies made over the course of the last 30 years.


In fact, in 2009 there was a movie called Gamer staring Gerald Butler.

Here is a little about the movie:

Each week Kable (Gerard Butler), a death-row inmate, battles his fellow prisoners in a violent online game called “Slayers,” his every move controlled by a young gamer’s remote device. To the players, Kable and the other inmates are just simulated characters. But, to a resistance group that opposes the game’s inventor, Kable is a critical component of their plan to end the inventor’s form of high-tech slavery

Now, I don’t know how many people remember this movie but I do cause I loved the idea of an immersive reality!

Enders Game Movie

Then in 2013, we got Ender’s Game.. And you all probably don’t know this either but Ender’s Game was written in 1985. So the concept of space and virtual reality have actually been around for a very long time.

Here is a little about that movie too:

When hostile aliens called the Formics attack Earth, only the legendary heroics of Mazer Rackham (Ben Kingsley) manage to attain a victory. To prepare for the next attack, Col. Hyrum Graff (Harrison Ford) and his cohorts initiate a military program to find the next Mazer. Recruit Ender Wiggin (Asa Butterfield) exhibits an unusual gift for the training, easily mastering all of the challenges thrown at him. Mazer Rackham, himself, takes Ender as a protege to prepare him for the oncoming war…

Thats where the description on Google ends… And where it also gets you. (if you really want to watch something that is life changing then watch this… Or better yet read it!)

Ready Player ONe

This all brings us to Ready Player One… Which I have not seen yet. I just finished the book… And plan to watch it this weekend. I do have to say that those of you who have seen it and/or read the book…you all were absolutely right.. I loved it!

But that’s not where this ends. There are quite a few of these… Movies… But there are even more movies based on video games… Like ones that you can actually play.

According to Google: The top 10 best video game movies starts with

Assassins Creed… Having never played the game or seen the movie.. I prefer not to comment.

But having seen Prince of Persia and also Resident Evil… Both movies that were based on the game play. I have to say that I didn’t expect the movies to be any good. Kind of like I didn’t expect to like anime… These things just happen.

What are some of your favorite video game movies? What are some of your favorite video games?