Call of Duty
Entertainment,  Games

Call of Duty Blackops 4, review

Late last night I got to play Call of Duty Black Ops 4, the beta version. I noticed several things that are very different from Call of Duty WW2 (Which is the only one that I have ever played before.) First. Let me just say I loved this game. I loved the gun. (Which by the way had a laser, so I could see where I was shooting.) Sorry to anyone who was playing last night and got shot by me… I didn’t have any kills. so I think you all were safe! But as stated in Call of Duty WW2 (First time Playing) I cant shoot in these games, having just got the hang of the controls and honestly y ‘all shoot way to fast for me. When I start shooting, it seems to turn into a spray of bullets everywhere in every direction. lol.

Call of Duty
Call of Duty Black Ops 4

What I thought of the game:

I thought that aside from getting killed every 30 to 60 seconds that Its an awesome game.

There really isn’t much to the entire Call of Duty series. The game is literally a First Person Shooter game as its core.

There is a lot of things that I don’t really understand fully like the whole prestige and rank thing. But I know some one who gets it and asked them to break it down for me.

He told me that basically you level up till you get till Level 55 and then you Prestige, If you want. You cant earn anymore XP to level up, cause there isn’t another Level Higher. So when you Prestige you start over at level 1. Which means that you have to go through the whole thing again to unlock guns and stuff. But once you have Prestige you get a token which allows you to unlock any gun you want and keep it with you. Such as the Tommy Gun. I also found out that supposedly if you Prestige 10 times and enter Master Prestige you unlock everything in the game, and can go up to level 1000.

To break this down for those of you that are as confused as I am. You have to hit level 55 eleven times. Which will then put you at level 56/Master Prestige. At this point then you still have 944 levels to go up. Before you can go no higher.

Now that seems like a good goal to have.

Anyway back to Black Ops 4… This game maybe a little different because its new and I don’t know much about it yet. Only what is suspected and that I can read online. I did play the beta version which only was online multiplayer and in that aspect I can tell you that it is set up differently. In WW2 you have your person and all of this stuff that you can do to them but for the beta version of this game you only have preset characters that you can choose from to start out with. This means that you get what they give you and you only have like 9 options. I played as Crash, a big strong man, with a large gun. (sorry, to all you ladies out there playing… I didn’t see any female characters, I could be wrong though) Anyway each character has a special ability. such as one guy can call a dog to come bite the shiznit out of you and another special, is a toy rover that electrocutes you so that someone can shoot you. This damn rover got me like five times… so watch the ground! lol.

Also a small tidbit that I didn’t know till right this moment… You have to heal yourself in the beta version. (press L1). Wish I had known that last night! Also the health pack that you use to heal will regenerate overtime.

Anyway, I had a lot of fun playing and it is something that I am going to do again.

Ps… every time I play I try to post about it to Instagram and also Twitch. If you would like to follow me either place check out the Welcome to the Geekdom page and look at the left side.