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Fandom Friday: Goblin Slayer

I have seen some gory and disturbing things in my lifetime, but I have never seen an anime that actually goes into detail and will show that much gore.

Goblin Slayer is not for those of you who want a nice anime to watch before sleeping. Its not for children under the age of 15 (In my opinion).

In the very first episode you see quite a bit of blood spatter. There is suggestion of rape, people are murdered in cold blood and this is just in the FIRST 10 MINUTES!

Honestly, I had this one in my queue for a while and I had read the synopsis and thought eh. But my boyfriend watched it. So I had ample warning.

The thing is that in the synopsis there is no mention of how gorgy this anime is. The rating on this anime is MA (Mature Audience) though and that is completely accurate.

Here is the synopsis:

An optimistic young priestess joins the adventurer’s guild where she parties up with three hotshot newbies who’ve taken a contract to destroy a goblin nest. But her quest goes awry in an instant when her team is brutally ambushed inside their lair. Wounded and in shock, she’s rescued by a high-ranking adventurer known as Goblin Slayer, a man dedicated to slaughtering every goblin in existence.

Final Thoughts:

But what I find to be very interesting in the show is that once your past the first episode the nudity and the violence is turned way down. The other interesting thing that I found was that the group that the solidary Goblin Slayer ends up with is formed with some very fearsome warriors. There is a High Elf, a Dwarf and a Lizardman. I have to say that the Lizard Priest is kind of a favorite of mine as many times there are not reptiles who are portrayed as good guys.

The anime overall is very interesting and since the second season is about to be released (although at the time of writing this we do FINALLY know that there will be a second season. There is No date as of yet.) But we are going to keep an ear out for this reengage group of heroes.