Applications,  Technical Tuesday

Are you a Wazer?

Are you one of those planner people like me or one of those go with the flow like my boyfriend? Either way… WAZE is a great app for you and one of the few apps that him and I can agree upon use of.


So there are over 5.6 billion people on this planet 🌏. And I am pretty sure that many of them are using WAZE. Infact you can see how many people are using the app (in your current area) while you are using the app.

So What Is WAZE?

WAZE is a unique app that allows you to not only get directions to and from places, but it also let’s you save drives that you complete frequently. It also helps you to figure out a good time to leave so that you may avoid unnecessary traffic. It alerts you to cops and road hazards and anything that could make your commute longer.

I have been using Waze for about 3 years now and I haven’t had any real problems with it. I honestly find it to be very helpful.

My boyfriends favorite feature of Waze is that it allows you to mark where cops are and also where there is a road harzard or construction. He says that this helps him to know when to slow down and when to switch lanes.

The community

We both use it for long car trips and so far it’s never been wrong. I think this is because it doesn’t rely on satalites and internet. It uses people filling in the information such as marking the spot where that copper was and then it broadcast it to all the users.

This allows you to not only avoid cops but to also be more aware of your surroundings. The app will also reroute you to help you avoid accidents and has been known to alert you far before you ever get to the scene.

Also Waze just implemented a new feature that allows you to connect it to Pandora and then you can listen to free music while driving with a free app.

Yes, I know… FREE! LOL. You don’t have to pay for Waze and with Pandora being free unless you choose to not have ads your saving money while having a great experience.