Challenge Road
Entertainment,  Games,  Video Games

The Challenging Road Ahead….

While playing Mario Party you realize that there are these tunnels that you can drop into and also that there are some things in the background that you cant access yet. That’s cause you have to beat Challenge Road.

Challenge Road is a path that unlocks all the mini games and characters in Mario Party.

Now… thanks to my wonderful boyfriend and his great aptitude for video games… I can provide you with a guide of what to expect and tell you who these mystery characters are.

First things first though…I am not affiliated with Nintendo… nor am I getting paid to share any of this with you either.

Unlocking Mini Games:

This is really a simple tip. Play the Partner Party twice. Then play the Regular game twice.

That’s just about it! lol You have to play the game.

Challenge RoadUnlocking New Characters:

*This one is a little more complicated*

You have to first unlock all the Mini Games. Then go to the back right corner where you will see a purple board that is all alone. This is the Challenge Road or Solo Mode or Challenge Mode (which ever your little heart decides to call it)

This mode makes you play as a solo player and if you need a team then game gives you one. You end up having to play every singe mini game in Super Mario Party. You have specific tasks that you have to complete. Such as shaking a jar of candy empty in 15 seconds. (this example comes from the Master Challenge.)

In this mode you can unlock secret characters, such as Diddy Kong. When you find him though, you have to beat him in a mini game. After that go back to the Main Area or Overworld. Speak with Diddy Kong and he will apologize for being late. Then you can have him join your party and you can also play as him.

Next go back and play more on Challenge Road and Pompom will speak with you next and you can go unlock that character also.

This goes on till you have unlocked all the characters and also until you have all of the five gems.

Here is also a secret that we found in the game:

There seems to be a way to get another character. (My boyfriend says that its Donkey Kong) For that you have to beat the River Survival 2- or 3 times and then you will find him. We haven’t tried this yet… but look for an update soon. IF you find him before we update… let us know how.