Nintendo Switch ( So So Excited)
In Gamers Welcome to the Geekdom I told all of you about how I used to play Zelda and Sonic and Mario…Well, here we are 20 years later and I am still a fan. So imagine this geeky person last night at 11pm… I was completely absorbed in the NINTENDO SWITCH Event. I didn’t move for anything and with all that excitement bubbling I could hardly sit still. It was a test of my self control to not visit the GameStop website and pre-order myself one. At the beginning of the event they told us the relevant information… and here it is again (in case you missed it.)The Nintendo Switch…
Oh Manual,Where Art Thou?
Oh, hey there! Want to learn a bit more about video games but have no idea where to start? Follow me, I'll take you through the crazy digital worlds one at a time.