• Technical Tuesday

    Technical Tuesday: How Well Are You Protected Online?

    Hello and Welcome again to another Technical Tuesday… Today we are going to cover Antivirus Software. This can be a very confusing topic and I am sure that someone out there is thinking… I have Norton or I have McAffee. I am Completely Safe online. Well, sorry to burst that gilded bubble… but just cause you have those programs doesn’t mean that you are safe. Although its a great starting point! Read here for more ways to stay safe online. What is Antivirus Software? Antivirus software is a type of utility used for scanning and removing viruses from your computer. While many types of antivirus (or “anti-virus”) programs exist, their primary purpose is to…

  • Entertainment

    Technical Tuesday: Is your computer sick? It may have Malware.

    Malware is a broad term that is used to describe all sorts of malicious code. A virus is a part of this Larger Term. The difference here is that not all Malware is a Virus. Some of it is easy and quick to remove and some Malware is hard and needs a special set of skills and knowledge to remove. Always bring your computer to a cerified computer Technician if you suppect any type of Malware. There are a lot of terms that Malware takes the place of. Below I am going to explain each one with the definitions that I have found from the Tech Terms Computer Dictionary. Many…