Entertainment,  Games

Nintendo Switch ( So So Excited)

In Gamers Welcome to the Geekdom I told all of you about how I used to play Zelda and Sonic and Mario…Well, here we are 20 years later and I am still a fan. So imagine this geeky person last night at 11pm… I was completely absorbed in the NINTENDO SWITCH Event. I didn’t move for anything and with all that excitement bubbling I could hardly sit still. It was a test of my self control to not visit the GameStop website and pre-order myself one.

At the beginning of the event they told us the relevant information… and here it is again (in case you missed it.)The Nintendo Switch will be released in the US for 299.00 (suggested retail price) on March 3rd 2017… I would like to tell you… this is only 6 weeks and a few days away. For those of you, who have to save up for things like this… I suggest doubling it up. Cause that’s not all that far away, in Fact its 50.00 dollars a week.

The Nintendo Switch is going to have some old and new games that have been re-mastered to bring us into the game more. If you are a Twitter person then I suggest looking @gamespot, as they just posted the new Legends of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and the following games have been confirmed for release with the Nintendo Switch: Minecraft, Skyrim, Super Mario Odyssey Adventure, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Splatoon 2, Zeno Blade Chronicles 2, and Atlas. There will also be some new games such as 1,2 Switch, and ARMS.

Now there will be more games made of course, but I just saw that there may be a Pokémon Game released for the switch… More on this later… when I have more information than just a rumor…

Both of these look to be so much fun, I especially like 1,2 Switch as it takes the person away from looking at the screen and makes them look at each other. In this world where we all look at our phones so much its good to have a game like this that encourages us to actually interact with each other.

Now in order to update all of these games and make this system so damn awesome, Nintendo came out with Joy-Con Controllers. These new controllers have some major tech. Motion sensors, infrared camera, gesture sensing, near-field communications and they also work independently as a separate controller for two players, or in conjunction with each other as the controller for when you are playing at home or on the go.

Now the big thing I am seeing all over the internet is that this device goes from being played on the TV to being played on the portable screen. This makes me very happy as I am a big fan of portable games ( I still play the Gameboy Color, just for that reason). Anyway, The tablet that it comes with is about as big as a Samsung Tab 3… just about 6.2 inches of a capacitive multitouch screen. So I am guessing that means that you will be able to play some parts of the game like on the Wii U gamepad… where you can create bubbles with a touch of the screen while others are playing the game. Also, I am not sure what this means…but I fully intend to find out… the Nintendo Switch doesn’t come with Region Locking. (please let me know what this is in the comments. Thanks.)

The Nintendo switch may just be the biggest small thing to be released this year… (so far..) but honestly I can wait for something like this to be on the market. The thing that I think I am looking forward to the most is that it can connect up to 8 other devices wirelessly, so I can play games like Mario Kart with my cousins and also kick their butts. lol. Mostly I lose… very badly to a 8 year old.
