
10 of my favorite Geeky Songs to help you get up and move!

Yesterday I was feeling kind of lethargic and didn’t want to do anything. This happens to also be my vacation time from work, so I guess that’s kind of normal. But heading into the holidays I don’t have the time to be sitting on my ass accomplishing absolutely NOTHING! So I started thinking about the things that make me want to get up and get shit done. Which led to this list of Geeky Songs.

A little back story…

I grew up with a very musical family. But I can’t sing a single note. In fact when I sing it sounds like a cow dying and I am okay with that. I sing cause I have fun while doing it. But music is what motivates me to actually get my day started and it’s how I wake up. I usually am blasting music in my car on my way to work to get excited about it. I listen to music all day long at my job and I even blare the tunes when I am at home.

So why not have a Motivational Playlist!

So without further adu. Here are the Top 10 Geeky Songs to get you up and moving!

Mulan- I’ll make a man out of you.

This song is seriously awesome. If you have never heard it… Then you need to click on the video below and listen. It has a great beat, an excellent tempo and the words are perfect. This is actually one of the songs my family and I all will quote to each other and also sing together.


BAMM – Disney Channel ZOMBIES.

This song is not one that I was expecting to actually like. I think zombies are seriously gross. Like Eeeeewwwww. But Disney worked its magic here and I actually found it to be a very adorable movie with alot of good songs.


ROTTEN TO THE CORE – Disney Channel Descendants.

So I am not going to apologize for my obsession with Disney Channel movies. But have to say that this song also is one that is just great! It’s got a great beat and makes an excellent workout song for me. And since every one needs a little more Disney in their life… You should take a listen!


Pokémon Theme Song

This one is like a flashback to my childhood and you get to know what geeky songs I grew up with. I love it cause I am pretty sure I could sing every single word and not mess up. lol. Seriously one of my favorites. It’s So Catchy!



I never really thought that I would like this song, but then I googled the lyrics and started reading them. It was awesome and I had to add it to the list of music that makes me want to do something!


Naked Mole Rap- Kim Possible

This song is also one of those childhood favorites. I actually have my cousin to thank for this song. He kept singing it one day and I had no clue what it was. But the minute that I heard it, I fell in love


Tarzan -Son Of Man (Phil Collins)

When I first heard this song, I can remember thinking that it was wonderful. I love the video that goes along with it. I think it fits perfectly with the movie.


Mario Theme Song

No Nerd/Geek/Gamer could ever tell you that they dont know this tune. We all know it and it makes all of us at least smile. I actually have this as the ringtone for my cousin and their kids cause of the hours spent playing this game.


Call of duty Black Ops Zombies: Kino Der Toten

This song I wasn’t sure if I wanted to include on to this list. I enjoy it but honestly I think it sounds better with the gunfire. My boyfriend is a big fan of this song and actually made me listen to it when I started making this list.


High School Musical – Get’cha Head In The Game

This song I had to include, I know that there is a lot of Disney songs on this list. But seriously who doesn’t think Disney is kind of awesome. This was (in my opinion one of the best songs in the entire movie. It has a great beat and I love the squeak of the sneakers.


So now there you go:

Personally I think I enjoyed the making of this Geeky Songs list more than I enjoy each of the songs. I did make it a playlist on my YouTube channel. Please check it out and Like and Subscribe.