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My Top 5 Favorite MCU Moments

Its time for another trip down memory lane…but this time you all get to take the trip.

Today I am sharing my top 5 Favorite Marvel Cinematic Universe Moments.

PS. Thank you to all the wonderful YouTube creators that made these videos.

Number One on this list is Black Widows Hallway Fight.

The reason why this is number one on my list is cause SERIOUSLY!!! SHE KICKS ASS! I love a Strong Female but a Strong Female Lead that Literally kicks ass is so much better. Natasha is Hot, she is smart, funny and could probably kill you will drinking a martini and not spill a drop. She is kind of my hero.

Number Two on this list is Star Lords Dance Off.

The reason why here is cause I cannot help but to smile when I see him dance and to have a dance off with a bad guy just to distract him from what is really happening is totally hilarious and fits this character perfectly. No Other character in the MCU could pull this off, I mean imagine Tony Stark in this part… Wouldn’t happen… not his style but Peter Quill just makes it sexy.

Number Three on this list is the Launch Tower Escape

The reason why here is cause of the needs and wants of Rocket. (now Rocket is my Boyfriends favorite character along with Groot) So I have seen this scene a few times and also really do enjoy both characters I think Rocket is a badass but I love that while he is explaining the plan to the team Groot just walks over and makes himself taller and grabs the box that he wasn’t supposed to grab yet. He just accelerates the time line a tiny bit.

Number Four on the list is Tony Starks Reveal.

All I can say here… is … I am Iron Man. Who does that… I mean… He just says it. There is no…Well, Maybe I shouldn’t moment… there is Just I am Iron Man. Plain, simple and to the point. Gotta love Stark.

Number Five on the list is Captain Marvel and the Fight on the ship.

The reason here is cause she figures out that the Skrull are not the bad guys and she Kicks ass. It was a bit reminiscent of The Black Widows hallway scene but that can be forgiven. She is another badass woman who is not afraid to get her knuckles busted up.

Anyway that’s my Top 5 Favorite MCU Moments and I really hope that you all will share yours in the comments down below. 🙂