Online Software,  Tech Info,  Technical Tuesday

Technical Tuesday: Connecting with the world around you.

How to stay safe online.

A lot of people don’t think about Internet Security but really how safe are you online? What programs do you have in place that keep you from going into the unknown? What practices do you keep yourself?

These are all questions that I ask when I am helping someone with their internet security. Security online goes a lot further then just installing some program that is labeled Internet Security. What do I mean? Keep reading to find out. 🙂

Internet Security is how safe you are on the Internet. Well… How safe your supposed to be. But in reality… that Internet Security Program that cost you about 20 dollars initially and then again for the monthly subscription to “keep you safe while you browse the web”. That program is not going to protect you when you open and email or when you visit a site that you shouldn’t be going into because you typed something in wrong.

That same program is not going to pay for it when you get Malware of any type (Click here for different types of Malware) Those companies are going to probably let you know that your nuts when you call them to tell them that while using their program you still got a virus and now have a 200.00 bill from your friendly computer techs, and you expect them to pay it.

So how do you as a consumer who uses the internet to check your email and also your social media every day make sure that you don’t get hacked or somehow end up with a lot of computer problems.

Well, that is why we have this post.

First things first. Not matter what Internet Security you are using.. MAKE SURE THAT YOUR COMPUTER IS UP TO DATE!!!! Yes… I am yelling this in my head at you as I am typing this. There is a major reason for this. Every Tuesday Microsoft pushes out a Security script that basically tells your computer what to expect and blocks all sorts of stuff from reaching your computer. If your not sure if your computer is up to date. Go to your Task bar and type in Windows Update… It will tell you. 😉

Second, if you do not have Internet Security on your computer. Then take that money that your going to go purchase Starbucks with and instead get some. (As I said in the beginning Internet Security cost only about 20.00 from McAffee.) Yes, I know I also said that it cant stop all attacks but that 20.00 Program will save your ass more than you will ever know.

Now to the Actual Point: Internet Security Practices.

You need to have GOOD Practices when you are online. Whether your 5 years old or 85 years old… You need to know what is going on and have good systems in place to make sure that you are protected. Maybe you have heard of COVERING YOUR ASS… well, now I am going to give you good tips on how to do just that.

Number 1) When you receive and email- Do Not just open it! Look at the subject line and the sender. If its from some one you don’t recognize don’t open it. I don’t care if it says that you have naked pictures online or if it says that you have won 6.2 million dollars! Don’t open it! Its simple… Delete it!

Number 2) Don’t click on links in your emails. If that email says click here to see how much money you have in a swiss bank account in your name.. Well.. Still don’t click it. Chances are … if you click that your not going to have any money period.

Number 3) Don’t give out information online. Whether its on social media like Facebook or on a forum site. People will to take advantage of others and getting you to give them your phone number… or your address… or even your kids first name can help them figure out your passwords. Many people have been contacted through social media because their profiles say that they are single and looking to mingle. So the Scammer will show interest in that person and then hack their bank accounts. Using just the information that they were given.

Number 4) Don’t visit sites that your not familiar with. Now… I am not telling you to not browse the internet. But I am saying be safe about it. Use Google. Google indexes websites and they have the ones that they have used crawlers on and who are safe at the top of the list, usually.

Number 5) Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you need help using your computer, then ask. Ask someone who is more familiar with computers. Visit your local library and ask the Reference Librarians. Ask a friend or a neighbor. Hell, Send me an email, I will try to help.

Hoping that these tips keep you safe on your journey.

I really do hope that these few things help you and that your able to stay safe online. As Always Happy Computing!

If you have any questions or comments please feel free to leave them in the comments section. I love to hear from you!!! 🙂