Emoji’s… what they mean and how to we use them
Honestly I should write this all in emoji’s and see who can figure out what I am saying. But I shall take pity on the majority of you out there who have no clue what ” 🙂 ” this means and much less what ” 😛 ” this means. As a person who uses emoji’s very rarely I often find myself wondering “What is this person trying to say?”
So I asked a few people “Do you know what the emoji’s that you use are actually saying?” I received a few different answers most of them were “Sometimes” and “My phone will pop up suggested emoji’s based on what I am typing and I will add them into my sentence.” But the best answer and one that I think is really what most people actually do was summed up really simply ” Haha well… Most often yes, but I generally use them in a context of sarcasm or in a way that they are understood beyond what they were intended (basically redefined with my own meaning)”
So in the spirit of tying to figure it out myself and also help others in the process I have compiled a few pictures (which can be seen above) and also a few links for you to bookmark and then finally use to figure out what people are trying to convey to you via that crazy device called a smartphone.
This is one of my favorite finds…a Facebook page to help, you can also use the emojipedia to help, and to type them or find out what someone is saying in plain text. I recommend using Unicodeemoticons. They are all plain text so you can copy and paste them too.
There is also this page unicode-6.0 that shows you a bunch of emoji’s and what they are… which may not always be what they mean. But it can give you a clue.
For most people though I would recommend an app (application) such as Bitmoji or Legend. Both are available on IPhone and also Android devices and gives you a great opportunity to customize your text (using Legend) and add a picture of yourself as a emoji doing something. My personal favorite is Bitmoji as it has so many choices and you can type in the search bar what you are looking for and then quickly send that one to one of your contacts without leaving the app.
Now onto something that will really help and was probably inspired by every single person ever…
they have made…. Wait for it… The Emoji Movie. This movie was created by Tony Leondis and will be produced by Sony Pictures Animation on August 4, 2017.
I have to say I saw the trailer on TechCrunch and honestly I am not sure how I feel…but I did laugh.. so maybe it will be good. Here is the link to the trailer for you to check it out yourself. Leave a comment and let me know what you think.