Keeping Your Computer Healthy: The Importance of Updating Drivers
Keep Your Computer Healthy by Updating Drivers Updating your computer's drivers is a simple yet crucial maintenance task that can enhance security, boost performance, and ensure smooth compatibility with new software and hardware. Dive into our guide to learn what drivers are, why they matter, and how to keep your system running seamlessly. Read More 👉 [Keeping Your Computer Healthy: The Importance of Updating Drivers]
Settings PowerPoint (slideshow)
Technical Tuesday: Twitter’s Privacy Policy
Are you using Twitter? Are you curious about what information they have on you? Here you go....
Technical Tuesday: Instagram/Facebook Privacy Polices.
Out of the 1 billion people on Instagram what do you think your chances of being found are? Well.. If there is another data breach with Facebook, pretty good. A recent article on Forbes.com said that over 533 Million people’s information was leaked online. This means that your chances of being included in that last leak are pretty high. But that’s what we are here to discuss today. What information does Instagram/Facebook actually have on you? How does this impact your privacy online? How can you tweak a few settings to make sure that those scammers have a hard time getting to your information? Instagram released a page back in…
Technical Tuesday: Privacy Policies (an Overview)
A few weeks ago a fellow employee told me a story about how her daughter was contacted via text message by someone to whom she had never given her number, and when asked the boy who contacted her stated that he was able to get her phone number off of a list of Florida Residents. This employee as a mother was shocked and wanted to know how to fix this. So I told her about her privacy policies and how to tweak them to not share your information. In the next two months of Technical Tuesdays, We are going to explore social media and also some of the larger companies…
Technical Tuesday: How To Stay Safe On Public Wi-Fi
Many of us today are surrounded by free or public Wi-Fi. Burt that is not the necessarily a good thing. In our modern day society we are all attached to our phones/ Mobile devices and basically our entire lives are on them. Meaning that our banking information our bill pay systems and our private emails/ text are all right there. Personally, I try to never use public Wi-Fi if its at all possible. There are a few reasons for this But for the purpose of the post I am going to state the top 3 dangers and also give you some options on how to stay safe. The first on…
Technical Tuesday: What is Juice Jacking and How do you stop it.
Are you a person who travels a lot or even a little? If so then please for your own safety keep reading. Juice Jacking is when you plug your phone into a public charging station using either the cord provided to you or the cord that you brought with you. Either way, the public charging station then installs a small piece of malware on your phone and BAMM you are hacked. Now, this hacking is not the fault of the company that provided you the charging station (they were just trying to be nice). This hacking is done by a person who is probably miles away and is lurking on…
Technical Tuesday: What is a Web Browser?
Do You Remember the AOL Days? Do you remember clicking the AOL Web browser and watching the little yellow man run across the screen? Or patiently waiting for a picture to load line by line? Ah, the good old days! It’s amazing how far we’ve come in the last 15 years. The internet used to be a novelty, but now it’s a staple in our daily lives. Even our pets have their own social media accounts! We’ve even invented digital storage in the form of the Cloud, because, let’s face it, we love to save everything. What Exactly is a Web Browser? So, what is a web browser, and how…
Technical Tuesday: Microsoft Excel as part of Office 365
From Financial Advisors to HS Marching band… Microsoft excel seems to have a lot going on and it just added two new features.
Technical Tuesday: Web Browsers and the WWW
Do you remember the time of clicking the AOL Web browser and seeing the little yellow man running across the screen? Or the time spent sitting waiting for that picture to appear line by line? I Do. And its pretty amazing how far we have come in the last 15 years. The internet used to be a novelty but now everyone has it. Even our pets have their own social media accounts. We even had to create a digital storage that exist inside the Internet called the Cloud, because we like to save things so often. But what is a web browser and how do you use it? A web…