30 Day Challenges,  Entertainment,  Fandom Friday,  Harry Potter

Facing My Boggart: Clowns, Zombies, and Giant Roaches

If I had to face a boggart, it would probably morph into a clown, though its final form might be something more universally terrifying. In everyday life, I don’t harbor any profound fears; rather, I have strong dislikes. Zombies, for example, give me the heeby-jeebies. They’re utterly gross, and I can’t stand how they’re portrayed comically, like in Zombieland, or romantically, as in Warm Bodies.

So, my boggart would likely turn into a grotesque zombie or, worse, a giant roach. The very sight of a roach freaks me out, requiring deep, conscious breaths just to summon the courage to kill it. Imagine a roach with tap shoes, like Ron’s spider—pretty funny, right? Yet, I’d probably flee the room screaming or conjure a giant shoe to squash it. After all, they’re not truly dead unless they’re squished.

This post was inspired by aGeekGal. If you would like to read her post on the answer to the question “When did you first read Harry Potter?” please visit her site here.

aGeekGal has a unique take on the Harry Potter series, and her blog is full of fascinating insights into the world created by J.K. Rowling. By following the link, you can discover her personal experiences and reflections related to the iconic book series.

This post was edited and revised using Microsoft Co-pilot, a tool that assists writers in fine-tuning their content for clarity and coherence. All original thoughts and values in this post belong to the author, and the tool was only used to enhance readability and presentation.