
What spell have you always wanted to use?

In the enchanting world of Hogwarts, where the walls whisper secrets of ancient magic and the air shimmers with the promise of adventure, there exists a spellbook of incantations that can tickle the fancy of any aspiring witch or wizard. As I sit here, quill in hand and parchment rolled out, I can’t help but let my mind wander to the spells that have become a part of my daily musing, often escaping my lips as easily as a sigh.

“Lumos!” I whisper, and the room bathes in a soft glow, the shadows retreating like shy creatures into the corners. “Nox,” and the light obeys, dimming into a comfortable darkness. It’s a delightful trick, one that even the cleverest of Muggle devices—Google Home and Alexa—have learned to mimic when tethered to the lights of a home.

Yet, nestled within the pages of my spellbook, there lies a charm that holds a special place in my heart: Wingardium Leviosa. It’s a spell that requires a delicate touch, a gentle coaxing of the ‘o’ rather than a forceful emphasis on the ‘sa.’ It’s the ballet of the magical world, where objects pirouette in mid-air, defying gravity with a grace that would make even a swan envious.

But, alas, it is not the spell that I find myself yearning for in those moments of absent-mindedness. Though it may seem indolent to some, my choice is born from a lifetime of forgotten items and missed opportunities. How many times have I settled down to dine, only to realize the food remains in the cupboard, or a bag lies abandoned by the door? Even the simplest of items slip through the cracks of my memory, leaving me to retrace my steps with a sigh.

With a twinge of embarrassment, I recall a particular escapade with my now-husband. In the early days of our courtship, he whisked me away to the magical realm of Disney, a surprise adventure that required nothing but my wallet and a heart ready for wonder. Confidently, I assured him I was prepared, only to discover that my wallet, with its crucial ID, was missing at the hotel. The wait for his parents to deliver it from two hours away was agonizing, a memory he relishes teasing me about to this day.

Oh, how I wish I had been a witch then, with the power of Accio at my fingertips! To summon my wallet with a mere incantation, watching it soar across miles to land safely in my grasp. For my daydreams, I declare that the spell knows no bounds of distance, its reach as limitless as the stars above.

unrecognizable person reaching hand to window
Photo by The Masked Guy on Pexels.com

Imagine the convenience, the sheer brilliance of never having to rise for a forgotten item again. “Accio keys!” “Accio book!” “Accio glasses!” Each call was answered with the swift arrival of the sought-after object, a testament to the practicality of magic in everyday life.

So, as I pen this whimsical tale, I can’t help but smile at the thought of a world where Accio is but a breath away, ready to remedy the forgetfulness that plagues us all. And perhaps, in some parallel universe, a version of me is casting the spell, her laughter echoing through the halls of a home where nothing is ever utterly lost, only momentarily out of reach.

This post was inspired by aGeekGal. If you would like to read her post on the answer to the question “When did you first read Harry Potter?” please visit her site here.

aGeekGal has a unique take on the Harry Potter series, and her blog is full of fascinating insights into the world created by J.K. Rowling. By following the link, you can discover her personal experiences and reflections related to the iconic book series.

This post was edited and revised using Microsoft Co-pilot, a tool that assists writers in fine-tuning their content for clarity and coherence. All original thoughts and values in this post belong to the author, and the tool was only used to enhance readability and presentation.