30 Day Anime Challege Day 3: Do you prefer subs or dubs?
When I first started watching anime a couple of years ago I had no clue what a sub or dub was. In fact I think I blindly starred off into space when my friends started speaking about these, and then asking so many times that I am still convinced I annoyed the Technical Wizard.
So for those of you who don’t know:
Subs- when there are subtitles for you to read and the anime is in the original language.
Dubs-when the original language has been changed to match your Language…Example: Sailor Moon is in English on Hulu.
Now that we have cleared that up. 😜
I personally prefer subs, I can read really fast and therefore have no problem with reading the words and watching the show at the same time. Reading is something that I am good at and I tend to miss words when I am listening and have to rewind episodes in order to figure out what is happening.
Anyway, let me know which ones you prefer in the comments below. I have posted pictures of some of my favorite anime shows. So if your looking for something great to watch check out these three.